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Highland Designs

Project Procedure

Stage 1.

Meet and discuss Client requirements

Stage 2.

Prepare rough sketches and draft proposals for discussion

Stage 3.

Amend draft proposal in line with client’s requirements and prepare second draft towards Planning requirements.

Stage 4.

Prepare Drawings to full Planning requirements and make Planning submission and follow through to approval.

Stage 5.

Complete drawings and full specification to Building Warrant standard and make Building Warrant submission, amend as required by Building Standards and follow through to approval.

Stage 6.

Meet with Building Standard Surveyor and amend drawings and Specification to “As Constructed” and obtain Completion Certificate.

Additional Requirements.

In order to achieve Building Warrant most projects will require the services of a Structural Engineer to Provide SER Certification. In addition it is always a requirement to provide Energy Calculations to ensure that the insulation values will meet with the Building Standards requirements. Highland Designs are able to arrange these and any other Client requirements.
